The Waters by Bonnie Jo Campbell (Epub PDF Audiobook)
The story unfolds on an island within the Great Massasauga Swamp, an area known as “The Waters,” neighboring the town of Whiteheart, Michigan. Here, an unconventional herbalist named Hermine “Herself” Zook has been a beacon of healing for the local women across generations, despite her stubbornness matching the potency of her remedies. Revered and feared by the people of Whiteheart, Herself also commands an uneasy dynamic with her three estranged daughters.
The youngest, Rose Thorn, an enigmatic and seemingly idle beauty, has left her daughter Dorothy “Donkey” Zook to grow up amid the untamed wilderness. Donkey spends her days searching for truths in the lush landscape and her books, yearning for her absent mother and a father figure. Unaware of the simmering family secrets and the impending chaos involving passionate love and violence, Donkey’s idyllic childhood is soon to be disrupted.
The divided community, filled with unspoken rage, has closed ranks against one another, building barriers that only Rose Thorn, the bridge across the waters, can traverse.
Bonnie Jo Campbell, acclaimed for her discerning eye capturing the physical world’s intricate details, presents a compelling narrative. Her storytelling serves as an elegant counterbalance to the darker aspects of masculinity, celebrating the resilience of nature and the complex yet vibrant tapestry of rural life. Through her prose, she navigates the essence of the human spirit against the backdrop of nature’s brutality and the bittersweet reality of life in the countryside.
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