The Day Shelley Woodhouse Woke Up by Laura Pearson (epub)

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The Day Shelley Woodhouse Woke Up by Laura Pearson (epub)

When Shelley Woodhouse wakes up in hospital from a coma, the first thing she says is that her husband must be arrested.

He’s the reason she’s in here. She knows it. She remembers what he did. Clearly as anything.

But there are things Shelley has forgotten too, including parts of her childhood. And as those start to come back to her, so do other memories. Ones with the power to change everything.

But can she trust these new memories, or what anyone around her is telling her? And who is the mysterious hospital volunteer who brings her food and keeps making her smile? Is it possible to find your future when you’re confused about your past?

Download The Day Shelley Woodhouse Woke Up by Laura Pearson in epub below.

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